Free: get my 110-step roadmap to $25K/mo.

Build a wildly successful automation business.

Get my proven roadmap to acquiring customers + an around-the-clock community support system + tens of thousands of dollars in blueprints, discounts, & workshops.

No prior business or coding experience needed. Start here!


Exclusive automation training

Direct, hands-on training from Nick Saraev. Weekly office hours, the Skool forum, and workshops.


$20K worth of templates

Dozens of system flowcharts and the best blueprints available today. Members routinely sell these systems for $2K/mo or more.



Meet 400 ambitious, driven members growing their automation business. Connect, get support, & build your network.


The new way to build.

The automation revolution is here, it's big, and it's not slowing down for any of us. So if you want to build a business around it, you need to act quickly.

The quickest and straightest line path to doing so—to living freely, working for yourself, and building cutting tech—is the community in front of you. Our members get weekly calls with me, tens of thousands of dollars worth of resources, and the same step-by-step roadmap that I & many others used to succeed.

Whether it's your first business or your dozenth, there is nothing more effective than seeing exactly what works, today, in real time. That's what you get with us. No more outdated courses, no more bullshit. Just value. We've already helped dozens of people make more money than they've ever made in their lives. If you're ready, we'll help you too.

Welcome to the best automation community on the Internet. I'm looking forward to seeing you inside.

Nick Saraev, organizer

What you get

1. Step-by-step agency roadmap

You'll learn Nick's exact approach—no gatekeeping—to how he grew his automation company & how you can too.

2. Plug & play blueprints

Get high performing systems that you can sell to real customers for $2K+ with just a few minor tweaks.

3. Weekly office hours with Nick

Ask Nick your questions every Wednesday morning PT and he'll answer them live on a call. All weekly office hours are recorded.

4. Discounts & software links

Save dozens of hours by using the right software stack from the get go. Take advantage of discount codes.

5. Exclusive automation agency training

Learn how to set up a business in minutes, how to position your offer, how to get your first customer, and more.

6. Live workshops with high earners

Join Nick & guests for exclusive case study workshops where speakers show you exactly how they got to $25K/m or more.

Wins from our members

Here's what our community is saying so far...

Christopher H.

June 19th, 2024

Closed a $1K/mo retainer in 1 month.

Signed my first client today 🎉 🥳. Social Media automation. The company had an existing social media manager $55K/Yr 🤯 and we were able to demonstrate that we could replace all of those tasks for $1,000/mo 💰”

Liam M.

July 3rd, 2024

Closed a $3.5K project in 1 month.

"I honestly think being in this community saved me months of potentially wasted time and am so grateful for all the work you're sharing Nick. This is the smallest package I would sell... 🙏”

Rodney W.

June 27th, 2024

Closed a $5K system in 1 month.

It's a blessing & gift to be in the company of such innovative excellence. Y’all have supported me in reshaping my vision through the multitude of engagements we have in this space! Let’s gooooooo 👑🙏🏾 ”

Saad B

June 26th, 2024

Closed a $2.5K project in 1 month.

Using the cold outreach system, I've successfully locked in the first project on this cold campaign! The prospect loved how I went outta of my way... scraped lists of leads and dumped them into Instantly like a madman! ”

Dylan W.

June 25th, 2024

Closed a $3K project in 1 month.

I was able to grow my channel like crazy in 28 days by being consistent. I got over 1K in subs... I got a 3k paid project YAY! For anyone that wants to make content for lead generation, you can absolutely crush it.”

Sahil K.

June 17th, 2024

Hit 1,000 YouTube subscribers.

Things you don't need to build YT: fancy camera, fancy mic, fancy studio. Things you do need: willingness to share your skills, being okay with looking like a fool on camera. Thanks @Nick Saraev..!”

Alex H.

June 19th, 2024

Closed a $10K project in 1 month.

I signed my first client today to my SaaS that is driven by Make. $10k per month initial contract. Here’s my pre-launch video: ”

Ben G.

June 13th, 2024

Closed a $1,150 project in 15 days.

Just got my first win, and I want to share this to encourage all of you. I joined this community on May 28th at 11:29 pm, about 1 min after learning about it.”

John R.

June 6th, 2024

Closed a $3K/mo retainer in 1 month.

3k a month for a full time retainer. Not too bad for my first Upwork contract... my Upwork account was created 2 weeks ago and is completely blank. No matter where you are just go for it!”

Kole R.

June 5th, 2024

Closed a $1.5K project in 25 days.

My first few bucks in just 25 days. After spending hours watching just about every video @Nick has dropped.. I was able to feel comfortable and confident in my skills to get shit done.”

Mo I.

June 5th, 2024

Closed a $1K project in 1 month.

Hey guys! thought i would share some great news for me today! I just landed my first automation client for $1,000 after 2 weeks of starting this new journey 🥳🍾 ”

Sign up to the waitlist

Our membership is strictly limited to 400. This ensures every member gets sufficient support, hands-on training, and Q&A. Because of our cap, we have a waitlist for people who wish to join.

Get started today

Pay nothing until a spot opens up. Then, your membership renews once per year. Cancel anytime. Average wait of just 3 days.


Waitlist is risk-free. You're only charged when you get in.

My automation agency roadmap from $0 to $25,000/m

Exclusive weekly office hours with Nick

A strictly maintained member limit at 400

The most comprehensive plug-and-play blueprint library on the web

Access to our Skool community support system, networking, & partners

14 Day Agency, my exclusive course on how to start an automation agency from scratch + get customers

Exclusive discounts, referral codes, software platforms, & more

Current average entry time: 3 days

Join waitlist →